Fanal Forest


The Laurisilva of Madeira, within the Parque Natural da Madeira (Madeira Natural Park) conserves the largest surviving area of primary laurel forest or „laurisilva“, a vegetation type that is now confined to the Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands. These forests display a wealth of ecological niches, intact ecosystem processes, and play a predominant role in maintaining the hydrological balance on the Island of Madeira. The property has great importance for biodiversity conservation with at least 76 vascular plant species endemic to Madeira occurring in the property, together with a high number of endemic invertebrates and two endemic birds including the emblematic Madeiran Laurel Pigeon.


Madeira, Portugal

Shot on film

Kodak Vision 3 250D
ECN-2 Processing

Fanal Forest
Fanal Forest
Fanal Forest
Fanal Forest
Fanal Forest
Fanal Forest
Fanal Forest
Fanal Forest
Fanal Forest
Fanal Forest
Fanal Forest
Fanal Forest
Fanal Forest